“Percentage” or “percent” means out of 100
Mathematical sign of percentage is % |
Thus x per cent means x hundredths.
Now it will be written as X%
We can also define X% as a fraction. so, X% | = | X | 100 |
15% | = | 15 | 100 |
Note: The numerator (15) of the fraction is called “rate per cent”.
Operations of Percentage
To represent a percentage as a Fraction;
1. Divide the percentage by 100 or multiply the fraction with | 1 | 100 |
2. After this just remove the percentage sign (%). |
After converting 20% into fraction, the result will be | 20 | 100 |
To represent a fraction as a percentage;
1. Multiply the percentage with 100 |
2. After this we have to add the percentage (%) sign. |
After converting | 40 | into fraction, the result will be | 40% |
100 |
To represents one number as a per cent of another;
Question: What % of 16 is 24?
16 | X 100% | = 150% | |
80 |
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