An introduction and overview of History and its importance.

History is all about events, battles and wars, the reign of famous emperors, historical places and more. All these topics cover interesting historical events necessary for various competitive exams and interviews.
History is the record of past events. Important events of different ages and countries are to be found in it. It covers the account of the land of one’s birth and the entire world. From history, we know how the people lived in ancient times. It also tells us of some notable incidents of recent times.
View of Indian History
Historical monuments and memorials are examples of many outstanding achievements of the past. Scholars and researchers have studied them to discover many unknown things about the ancestors of humans. The pyramids of Egypt, The Tajmahal at Agra, the Victory Tower at Chittorgarh and many ancient forts and ruined palaces worldwide are relics of the past glories of illustrious men. The ruins of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa and those of Nalanda, found after excavations, also throw an exciting searchlight on how people in ancient times made material and intellectual progress.
Importance of History
The study of history is of great importance to us. It removes the narrowness of our outlook and helps us realise the essential affinity of humans worldwide. History tells us how people in the past succeeded and where they erred. This allows us to follow the right course in our lives, avoiding the pitfalls. Thus, history is a great teacher. History, however, should be studied dispassionately. The study of history should not lead to too much aggressive nationalism or to great cynical hatred of a country. If the survey is done in the right spirit, it will make a human benefit.
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