One of the most frightening things for students is the exams. The reason is that, according to students, no matter how much they have prepared, they cannot score the way they desire. This is not always because the student does not have proper knowledge, but sometimes it is because they are not able to correctly write their answers and impress the board examiner.

What are the prime reasons why such things happen is because students generally have lots of information when they enter the exam hall. It often results in writing answers in an impressive manner. As these tests matter a lot in deciding our future, there is always a need for students to choose the correct procedure for writing. So here we will find out some of the tips and tricks that can help students to score well in their exams.
Regardless of the subject, these steps become valuable for everyone.
Tips to write Perfect Answers and score well in your CBSE board exam
Before we talk about the major tips and tricks, make sure that you have all the belongings you require for your board exam. Apart from this, maintain your calm to ensure you can write the questions correctly.
1. Use the First 15 Minutes to Prioritize Questions
Time management is one of the most critical roles, whether it is your board exam or the competitive exam. It helps you to understand the way you can manage and write questions. You would get 15 minutes of extra time which you require using properly. It plays a significant role in helping you to check out the questions and marks.
In these 15 minutes, you must choose the questions you have the perfect answers to and attempt them first. You don’t have to pay attention to the order as you can select your own answering order.
Categorize your question paper into three levels where the highest priority would be given to the one that you know the answers to. The next would be to level questions where you need to categorize the medium priority questions, and the one level is for low priority. Make sure your priority is based on the questions you can answer quickly.
When you categorize questions in this manner, it gives you confidence and helps you to answer questions during the 3 hour time. The first 15 minutes is extremely necessary to use it in a proper manner.
2. Use points to answer
Your answers need to be easy for the examiner to understand what you meant and your knowledge. Rather than writing huge stories, it is always suggested to use points to answer. It is wrong if you always thought that writing lengthy answers would give you better marks.
Always focus on writing relevant and precise answers without unnecessary words, as it helps teachers to understand your knowledge quickly. Remember that examiners have to check thousands of papers every day.
Following are some tips:
- Do not fill your answer sheet with whatever you can think of with the associated topic, as it will only increase the number of words and make it irrelevant. So framing answers strategically is very important.
- Do use regular words or common words to explain your answers.
- Draw diagrams when required to help examiners understand your knowledge of the topic.
- Make sure not to use short words like can’t.
3. Pay attention to handwriting
Your handwriting is again one of the essential factors in your exam paper. Good handwriting is definitely one of the plus points, as examiners find them easy to read. If you have neatly written your exam paper, the examiner can easily read your answer sheet and understand your knowledge.
On the other hand, if you think that cluttering your paper with bad handwriting but writing relevant answers would work, you’re wrong. You must pay attention to the fact that examiners check hundreds of answer sheets daily. So with clear and neat handwriting, it becomes easy for them to go through your paper.
Also Read – CBSE Board Exam : 5 Tips to Make your Answer Sheet Look Presentable
4. Maintain quality on the attempted questions
Quality is always better than quantity. When your answers have quality content and relevant answers, it will help you get better marks. If you believe that writing long stories and everything you know about the associated topic will help you get marks, you’re wrong.
You should always attempt questions with relevant answers. Nobody has ample time to read your long story, but when you write precise answers in neat and clean handwriting, it is always going to fetch better marks. Apart from this, always pay attention to the word limit that is mentioned in the instruction. Do not write less or more words.
5. Make a thorough revision of your answers
The last and one of the essential steps in any exam is to make a thorough revision of your answers. There are students who never checked their exam sheets after completing them. Remember that thoroughly checking your answer sheets will help you to find out spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and other calculating mistakes.
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Proofreading is always the best choice to find out mistakes and reduce the chances of score deduction.
Best of luck with your exam. Hope these tips help!
Also Read – How to Score Good Marks in Class 10 CBSE Board Exams