Read these 5 best exam paper presentation tips to make your answer sheet look presentable in CBSE board exams.

Are you preparing for your CBSE Board Exams, slogging away night and day to score well? Surely you wouldn’t like losing marks because the examiner couldn’t understand your handwriting or the crucial points in your answer got lost amidst chunky paragraphs? Yes, it is true that exam paper presentation makes a difference, and can influence the examiner to go through your answers with interest. A neat answer sheet may not earn you extra marks but will ensure that you do not lose any either due to a messy looking paper.
Here are 5-tips to ace the paper presentation in the board exam with ease so that you can reap the benefits of your meticulous preparation.
1. Maintain appropriate margin
Filling up the answer sheet edge-to-edge with your handwriting is a sure-fire way to a cluttered presentation. Maintain a uniform margin on both the left and right sides of the page to provide visual relief. On the left-hand margin, write the correct question number neatly. On the right-hand margin, do your rough work, if any. Rough work is integral to practical papers like Maths. Do it with appropriate numbering so that if the examiner wishes to check your workings, can do so easily.
2. Highlight important points
Using coloured pens to highlight key points in your answer during the exam will eat away at your time. Hence, highlight smartly by writing the headings and subheadings in capital, underlining keywords, using bulleted points or numbering to draw the examiner’s attention. The goal is to make your overall presentation look tidy.
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3. Do not scribble
You may misspell a word or write the wrong line. Scratch out the wrongly written part only once. Further, while revising, if you feel that you have missed writing a crucial point of your answer, insert an asterisk and write the missing section clearly at the bottom of the page. If you can fit the missing word/ words within the answer, insert a caret (⋀) where you need the inserting and write them. Ensure that these writings appear neat and don’t ruin the exam paper presentation.
4. Write in legible handwriting
All the handholding that your pre-primary teacher did to teach you cursive writing should come in handy now to create an impressive paper presentation in the board exams. Clear, neat handwriting with uniformly spaced words will look good and help the examiner go through your answers. Split the paragraphs into short meaningful parts to break the monotony of continuous, long text.
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5. Increase the pictographic content of your answers
Nothing helps more than diagrams and flowcharts to explain a concept or process. And it works well in exams as well. With tens of thousands of papers to check, evaluating lengthy text can turn monotonous for the examiners. Inserting appropriate diagrams with proper labels will help the examiner gauge your knowledge and skim through your answers with interest. We hope these tips will help you be a pro of paper presentation in board exams such that you clear the test with flying colours.