SBI Resolver Recruitment 2023 for 94 Resolver posts out on the official website. Check education qualification, age limit and other details here.

State Bank of India (SBI) has recently released the online applications of Retired Bank Officers for Resolver posts. It will be a contractual recruitment by SBI. All interested and eligible candidates can apply online on the official website of SBI at
The application process for resolver posts already begins on November 1, and the last date to apply for the posts is November 21. This recruitment process will fill a total of 94 posts by the organisation. The selection will be done through Interviews and Document verification.
SBI Resolver 2023 Experience
The applicant should be the retired officers of SBI and its e-ABs (Erstwhile Associate Bank of SBI) who retired as MMGS-II, MMGSIII & SMGS-IV posts. The applicant should have a good service record.
SBI Resolver 2023 Salary
Here is the grade and monthly fixed remuneration.
- MMGS-II – Rs. 40,000/-
- MMGS-III – Rs. 40,000/-
- SMGS-IV – Rs. 45,000/-
SBI Resolver: Age Limit
The maximum age of the applicant as of 01.11.2023 should not be more than 63 years.
How to Apply for the SBI Resolver Posts 2023
- Visit the Official Website of SBI at
- On the home page, click on the Apply Online button.
- Fill in the application form and upload the required documents.
- Pay the application fees.
- A unique application ID will be generated.
- Download as a PDF and keep a hard copy with you for future reference.