IB is recruiting for 677 SA and MTS positions on mha.gov.in. Know all the details here.

The Intelligence Bureau (IB), Ministry of Home Affairs is recruiting for 677 positions, including Security Assistant (SA), MotorTransport (Driver) and Multi-Taking Staff (MTS). The application process started on October 14 and concluded on November 13, 2023. All interested and eligible candidates can apply for the posts visiting the official website of the Ministry of Home Affairs at mha.gov.in.
Check the official Intelligence Bureau Notification here
The recruitment drive will fulfil a total of 677 positions, out of which 362 positions are reserved for Security Assistant-Motor Transport and 315 positions reserved for Multi-Tasking Staff.
IB Recruitment 2023: Age Limit
For the Security Assistant/Executive post, the minimum age criteria is 18, and the maximum age limit is 27. The upper age limit for MTS/Gen posts is 25. There will be a relaxation of age for SC/ST, OBC and departmental candidates with 3 years of experience.
IB Recruitment 2023: Eligibility Criteria
To apply for the IB recruitment, the candidates should have passed the Secondary Examination/Matriculation or equivalent examination from a recognised board.
The selection process will be based on Tier 1 (Objective) and Tier 2 (Descriptive) exams and Interviews. There will be a local language test for SA posts.
How to apply for IB Recruitment 2023
- Visit the official website of the Ministry of Home Affairs at mha.gov.in.
- From the homepage, click on Intelligence Bureau 2023 Recruitment
- Click on Apply Online
- Now, Register yourself by filling in all the required details and uploading the necessary documents.
- Pay the application fee and submit the application.
- Download the filled application form and take a printout for future reference.
IB Recruitment 2023: Application Fee
The application fee for the unreserved/OBC and EWS category is Rs. 500. The SC/ST/PWD and Female candidates need to pay only Rs. 50.