SBI SCO Recruitment 2024: All interested candidates can apply for the posts on before June 27.

SBI SCO Recruitment 2024: The State Bank of India (SBI) has released notification for multiple recruitment for the Specialist Cadre Officer (SCO), including one for 150 ‘Trade Finance Officers, Middle Management Grade – Scale II’. All interested and eligible candidates can apply for the posts through the official website The last date to submit application is June 27.
The posting locations are Hyderabad and Kolkata. The banks have underlined that the posting locations are indicative, and the selected candidates may be posted anywhere in India.
SBI SCO recruitment 2024: Eligibility Criteria
Education Qualification
Candidates applying for the posts should have a Graduate (any discipline) from government-recognized colleges and institutions with IIBF Forex certificates. Certificate for Documentary Credit Specialists (CDCS), a Certificate in Trade Finance or Certificate in International Banking will be given preference.
At least two years of experience (post-academic qualification) in Trade Finance Processing as an Executive in a supervision position in any scheduled commercial bank.
Should have excellent communication, presentation and processing skills.
SBI SCO recruitment 2024: Selection process
The candidates will be shortlisted based on their qualifications and interviews.
The bank also stated that meeting all the qualification criteria does not guarantee selection for an interview. A committee will be made by the bank to determine the shortlisting parameters, after that, an acceptable no. of candidates will be invited for interviews.
The interview will be a total of 100 marks. The qualifying marks in the interview will be decided by the bank.
A final merit list will be prepared by the bank based on the interview results. If more than one candidate scored the cut-off marks then the candidates will be sorted in descending order as per their age.