CBSE Board Exam 2024 class 10th & 12th LOC form filling starts on August 18, Check the details of the notification below.

CBSE Board Exams 2024: Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) LOC form filling will begin on August 18, 2023 candidates can check the details of the notification on the following closing date of the application is September 18, 2023. The candidates who will submit the forms between September 19 to September 25 will have to pay a late fee. The application process for classes 10 & 12 will start tomorrow and can be done through the e- Pariksha link on the official website.
As per the official notice, the link for online applications for private and 2nd chance compartment candidates will be available separately.
The Board has directed that schools have to upload all the photographs of their candidates in class 9 and class 11 registration before the final submission of the LOC.
The new schools affiliated with CBSE Board will first have to enter the information on the OASIS portal and then submit the data on the HPE portal.
The late fee is Rs 2000/- as applicable per candidate, and the candidates who will make the application within the given time must check the official notification. The practical fee for class 12 is Rs 150/- per subject for schools in India and Nepal, and the schools abroad have to pay Rs 350 /- per candidate for each subject. The migration certificate charge is Rs 350/-.Visually impaired candidates are exempted from paying the application fees.
Candidates are advised to check the official notification for further details.
- Check – Official Notice Here