CBSE Supplementary Exam 2023 admit card published. The students who did not qualify for the board examination can sit for the exam, and school heads are required to download and distribute them.

The Central Board Of Secondary Education has released the admit card for the 10th and 12th supplementary exams 2023 for the students who did not qualify for the board examination held in February -March 2023. It is informed that the admit card will be given from July 7, 2023. The CBSE 10th,12th class supplementary examination will be held from 17th July.
Regular students can download their admit cards on their school’s LOC portal, where school heads are required to download and distribute them to the concerned students. The private candidates can download their admit cards from the official website. The students who applied for the supplementary examination 2023 can obtain /download the admit cards as per the official notification given below.
Direct Link to Download Admit Card
Details of Notification:
- Visit the official website to download the admit cards.
- On the homepage, click on the link given for school Login.
- A new window will open; enter the school user ID and password to log in.
- Select class and supplementary admit card will be displayed on the screen.
- Download the CBSE supplementary examination admit cards 2023 and print them out for appearing in the exam.
All the students are advised to read the official notification further before downloading the admit cards on the above-mentioned official website.