South Eastern Railway is recruiting against sports quotes. Check the details below.

South Eastern Railway invites online applicationsfor 55 posts against the sports quota. All the interested and eligible candidates can apply for the Group C and Group D posts through the official website of RRC SER at
The application process is underway, candidates can send their applications by December 26, 2023. The recruitment drive will fill a total of 55 posts.
South Eastern Railway Recruitment 2023: Vacancy Details
- Group C – 21 posts
- Group D – 33 posts
South Eastern Railway Recruitment 2023: Age Limit
Candidates applying for the posts should be between 18 and 25 years old as of January 1, 2024. There is no age relaxation for SC/ST/OBC candidates.
For education qualification and other eligibility details, please read to the Detailed Notification on the official website.
South Eastern Railway Recruitment 2023: Examination Fees
The examination fees for UR/OBC categories candidates is Rs. 500/-, while for SC/ST/Ex. Servicemen/Persons with Disabilities (PWDs), Women, Minorities, and Economic Backward Classes, the application fee is Rs. 250/-. The fees can be paid through IPO or Bank Draft issued in favour of –
“FA&CAO, South Eastern Railway, Garden Reach – 700043, payable at GPO/Kolkata.”
South Eastern Railway Recruitment 2023: How to Apply?
The candidates can send their applications with self-attested enclosures with a closed envelope mentioning “Application against Sports Quota (Open Advertisement) recruitment for the year 2023-24” Via post to “The Chairman, Railway Recruitment Cell, Bungalow No.12A, Garden Reach, Kolkata-700043 (Near BNR Central Hospital)”.