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Ratio and Proportion Questions and Answers


Raj is 16 years old and Arti is 24 years. Find the ratio of Arti’s age to Raj’s age.
A. 1:2
B. 2:3
C. 3:2
D. 3:4
Answer with Explanation
Answer: Option C

Raj is 16 years old.

Arti is 24 years old.

Arti’s age : Raj’s age = 24 : 16 = 3 : 2


Two numbers are in the ratio of 3:1. if sum of these two numbers is 440 , find the numbers.
A. 300,110
B. 310,100
C. 330,100
D. 330,110
Answer with Explanation
Answer: Option D
First Number = 3 x 440 = 1320 = 330
3 + 1 4
Second Number = 1 x 440 = 440 = 110
3 + 1 4


In a mixture of 65 litres; milk and water are in the ratio of 3:2 . What are the quantities of milk and water in the mixture?
A. 12, 26
B. 13, 26
C. 39, 26
D. None of these.
Answer with Explanation
Answer: Option C
Quantity of milk = 3 x 65 = 39
Quantity of water = 2 x 65 = 26


Some ballons are divided between two persons in the ratio of 3:5. If one person gets 20 less ballons than that of the other, find the total number of ballons.
A. 80
B. 90
C. 120
D. 150
Answer with Explanation
Answer: Option A

Let total ballons as x.

So, 3x/8 and 5x/8.

5x – 3x = 20
8 8

x = 80


A:B = 3:4, B:C = 8:10, C:D = 15:17 then A:B:C:D will be –
A. 9:3:12:17
B. 9:15:12:17
C. 3:15:17:12
D. 9:12:15:17
Answer with Explanation
Answer: Option D

A:B = 3:4

B:C = 8:10

C:D = 15:17

A:B:C:D = 3 X 8 X 15 : 4 X 8 15 : 4 X 10 X 15 : 4 X 10 17

= 9 : 12 : 15 : 17


The ratio of the cost of two books is 3:5. If the cost of first book is 4.80 rupee, then what is the cost of the second one?
A. Rs. 8
B. Rs. 9
C. Rs. 11
D. Rs. 5
Answer with Explanation
Answer: Option A
No explanation for this question.


A box contains rupee, fifty paise and twenty five paise coins whose values are in the proportion of 2:3:4. if the total number of coins are 480 find the value of each coins and total amount in rupees.
A. 40, 60, 80 and 180
B. 40, 60, 90 and 150
C. 20, 40, 60, and 650
D. None of these.
Answer with Explanation
Answer: Option A
No explanation for this question.


Ratio of earnings of Ram and Bimal is 8:9 respectively. if the earnings of Ram increased by 50% and the earnings of Bimal decrease by 25%; then the new ratio of their earnings becomes 16:9 respectively. What is the earning of Ram.
A. 450
B. 500
C. 700
D. Cannot be determined.
Answer with Explanation
Answer: Option D
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The ratio of the present ages of priya aand her son is 5:2 respectively. Seven years hence, the ratio will be 2:1 . What was the age of priya when her son was born?
A. 20 years
B. 25 years
C. 23 years
D. 21 years
Answer with Explanation
Answer: Option D
No explanation for this question.


Three fourth of a number is equal to 20% of another number. What is the ratio of the first number to the second number?
A. 3:10
B. 5:8
C. 4:15
D. 9:8
Answer with Explanation
Answer: Option C
No explanation for this question.