Singular Plural Questions and Answers

21. Mouse-
A. Mouses.
B. Mice.
C. Mices.
D. None of these.

Answer with Explanation
Answer: Option B
No explanation for this question.

22. Tooth-
A. Tooths.
B. Toothes.
C. Teeth.
D. None of these.

Answer with Explanation
Answer: Option C
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23. Swine-
A. Swines.
B. Swiness.
C. Swinees.
D. Swine.

Answer with Explanation
Answer: Option D
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24. Deer-
A. Deers.
B. Deer.
C. Dears.
D. None of these.

Answer with Explanation
Answer: Option B
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25. Rice-
A. Rice.
B. Ricess.
C. Rices.
D. None of these.

Answer with Explanation
Answer: Option A
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26. Sheep-
A. Sheeps.
B. Sheepes.
C. Sheepess.
D. Sheep.

Answer with Explanation
Answer: Option D
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27. Public-
A. Publics.
B. Public.
C. Publices.
D. None of these.

Answer with Explanation
Answer: Option B
No explanation for this question.

28. Dozen-
A. Dozen.
B. Dozens.
C. Dozenes.
D. None of these.

Answer with Explanation
Answer: Option A
No explanation for this question.